Daycare: 3 Ways To Connect With Your Child's Teacher

The rushed routine of pick-ups and drop-offs can leave little room for building a relationship with your child's teacher. Yet, the National Education Association reports that children with involved parents have less behavior problems and enhanced academic progress that carries into their post-secondary education. For this reason, the early childhood years are the ideal time to begin fostering strong parent-teacher relationships that will help your child get the most out of their daycare program.

Ask How You Can Support Learning at Home

Many parents make the mistake of simply asking how their child did each day, and only receive a quick response from the teacher that their child did fine. Instead, inquire about what the children are currently working on, and follow up by asking the teacher what activities you can do at home to support the new skill. This shows the teacher that you care about what happens in the child care room each day, and lets them know that they have your support at home.

Volunteer in the Classroom

Spending time in your child's classroom can provide valuable insight into the environment your child spends time in every day, and offering to volunteer will give you a chance to get to know your child's teacher. If taking a few hours off work is impossible, then ask if there are any tasks you can do at home. Teachers often need help with cutting out decorations or gathering supplies for an upcoming activity.

Approach Conflict Carefully

When your child is upset, or you see something that runs against your parenting style, it is easy to lose control. Try not to jump to conclusions if your child says they were hurt in a minor accident at school, or you don't like how the teacher handled a situation. Instead, the National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends scheduling a meeting to talk about your concerns and asking for potential options to come to a resolution. By keeping your emotions in check, you can ensure your child receives the best possible care while preserving your relationship with their teacher.

Today, teachers often strive to foster effective communication with parents by using emails, written notes and scheduled conferences. Yet, it is important for parents to also put the effort in to build a strong parent-teacher relationship. Remember that your child is always learning from your interactions with their teacher, and your involvement makes it clear that learning is a priority in your family.

Contact a school like The Cottage School for more details.

About Me

making learning more fun for children

Unfortunately, not every child enjoys learning. This could be due to a lack of understanding of what they are being taught or just because the child can't sit still long enough to get through a lesson plan. If learning isn't fun for a child, it will be a struggle for the child, the teachers and the parents. If you have a child that just isn't interested in learning, this blog can help. You will find several tips that can help you take learning and make it something that is fun for you and your child to work on together each day.

